Thursday, January 12, 2012

Week#17: Havana Cocktail

As the saying continues on, "First is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the treasure chest." This was clearly the case in this week's drink. The Captain is definitely here and ready to rock with his wenchies! So be aware, the Captain is comin' for YOU!

Skull and crossbones rating scale from 1-5 (5 is the best)
* Mary gives this drink a 4.5 skull and crossbone.
* Nina gives this drink a 4.25 skull and crossbone.
Averrrrrage score: 4.375 skull and crossbones!

Dee. Lish. Us. This drink is extremely easy to drink and as our motto goes, "What isn't good with pineapple juice in it?" We recommend trying this drink with out the lemon juice in it, it's really not needed. This drink seems appropriate to make in large quantities to have out during your next pirate party (as we know you throw them frequently because of these incredible drinks you read about on this incredible blog). We deem this drink drinkable for the following situations: after work, on the weekend, when it's hot, when it's cold (we mean the weather of course), during your lunch break, in a blizzard, actually...let's be honest, drink this when you can because it's yummy and helps you feel like you're in the Havana heat.

It's as Cuban as Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights.

This drink is classy. Doubly so if you're at a pool party.

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