Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week #18: Piece of Ass

This drink, in some circles known as "the Mary", was quite the experience (as is Mary). We were certainly intrigued by this week's drink title, and just like our friend, it lived up to the name. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

Skull and crossbones rating scale from 1-5 (5 is the best)
* Mary gives this drink a 4.0 skull and crossbone.
* Nina gives this drink a 4.5 skull and crossbone.
Averrrrrage score: 4.25 skull and crossbones!

Is there anything better than a Piece of Ass on a long weekend? Although the drink is served in a cordial glass, it's just enough to satiate our appetites for something sweet and strong (the way any piece of ass should be served). Nina reminisced how this 'piece of ass' reminded her of college days when Armaretto Stone Sours were the drink of choice, however this week's drink is much more fit for "young adults" who are a lot more mature than those college kids. Mary commented on how its sweetness reminded her of the lollipops you get when you go to the bank. You know the ones, there isn't much to them aside from sugar and coloring, oh, and their cheap, clear, cellophane wrapping. Alright! So, all you young adults, drink up and enjoy this mature Piece of Ass!

It's as sweet, quick, and surprising as Hugh Hefner in bed.

It's double classy, thanks to the cordial glass.


  1. this one kills me! I admire the way that you used, "piece of ass" as many times as you did! what linguists!!!

  2. Mary is a great piece of ass... or so I've heard...
