Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week #13: Tie Me to the Bed Post

Happy Thanksgiving to all you followers out there. As faithful followers to this blog, we would like to bestow upon you the nickname of "Whistlers Wenches." The Whistlers wish all you Wenches a week of pure joy, warm hugs, tasty food, and of course, great drinks!!! Speaking of great drinks, here's one for the books - may you all get tied to the bed post this Thanksgiving. Gobble, gobble!

Skull and crossbones rating scale from 1-5 (5 is the best)
* Mary gives this drink a 4.0 skull and crossbone.
* Nina gives this drink a 4.75 skull and crossbone.
Average score: 4.375 skull and crossbones!

Here's the deal you Wenches, this drink was much tastier than expected. Looking at the ingredients the expectation was that this drink would be too strong (like Nina's B.O.) Upon the first pour it looked beautiful in the glass and we got excited, so we took a swig and to our surprise, it made our tongues dance with delight! It's strong and sweet with out making some weaklings cough and gag. It went down smooth (that's what she said) and had a nice aftertaste. One of the bloggers exclaimed, "It's one of my favorites so far!" --Fistler, while the spouse crankily said, "I think it sucks." --Man Fistler.

It's as tasty as your Mom (who's tied to the bed post.)

It's double classy, if and when served in a martini glass.


  1. I really really liked this one....I might make another for myself tonight!

  2. As strong as Nina's b.o.?!?! Sillies!!!

  3. Crankily?!??! Outrageous! I said "it sucks" ironically- it was great!
