Friday, September 30, 2011

Week #5: Captain Morgan Cooler

Nina & Mary are the best! They are so hot, and so awesome, and so great at describing Pirate drinks.

You! you should drink more because Nina & Mary are great.

With love

Skull and crossbones rating scale from 1-5 (5 is the best)
* Mary gives this drink a 4.0 skull and crossbone.
* Nina gives this drink 4.5 skull and crossbone.
Average score: 4.25 skull and crossbones!

This drink is amazing, outstanding, and VERY easy to drink. In a participant's words, "It tastes like a lollipop." This drink makes us feel like kids again. Our highest scoring drink to date. You should drink this. Frequently.

It's as glorious as a fire pit on a fall evening.

Easily double classy.


  1. Who's the hottie in the background of the last picture?

  2. If you couldn't tell, we were completely sober when we posted this! Note to first, drink second.
